Hi, We're Chelsea & Kayla

We believe talking about book club and playdates will grow your real estate business faster than any just sold posts!



Getting your license doesn’t mean everyone you know should automatically work with you <GASP>

It’s *your* responsibility to showcase your expertise and build trust (and that’s a really good thing)!!

Focusing on being a resource, being valuable, learning everything you can to confidently help and educate your future clients will make your business SO MUCH STRONGER (and referral-worthy).

AND luckily you no longer have to rely on icky feeling methods to do this! You can use social media & email marketing instead!

If you’re struggling to get your business off the ground or get referrals from your sphere, here are 3 marketing tips:

1 – Learn EVERYTHING about your industry and where you sell real estate, then document it and share about it on platforms where your ideal client is hanging out! (like Instagram)

2 – Use social media to get people on your email list where you can serve them further & stay top of mind. Don’t let social media be a dead end

3 – Invest in your business. Just posting on Instagram isn’t a marketing plan. Take the time to learn how to do it in a way that provides value and builds a personal brand that people care about, remember, and want to work with.

Need help coming up with content ideas that serve > sell? Get 50+ creative ideas for free by clicking here!