Hi, We're Chelsea & Kayla

We believe talking about book club and playdates will grow your real estate business faster than any just sold posts!



This ONE tool is more effective than anything you do on social media.

In fact, Hubspot said the ROI is 4200% (yes, 4,200%) for every dollar spent AND 3,000% higher than all other marketing channels combined.

That one tool: EMAIL MARKETING

Think of it like this.. social media is like a HUGE cocktail party. Everyone is there, everyone you know, strangers, potential clients, everyone.

It’s super crowded and you’re constantly interrupted.

Whether you’re being introduced to someone’s spouse, running into a friend you haven’t seen since college, talking with the mom of your son’s friend about preschool… it’s madness!

And you definitely aren’t going to see and talk to everyone you know, it’s just too crowded.

BUT email… that is like you specifically inviting just one of those people over for a glass of wine. They can’t miss you (your name is in their inbox).

You sit down, one on one, no interruptions and have a conversation.

That is how email should feel – like a conversation you’re having with your friend.

(aka not spammy, auto generated market updates that make people cross eyed to look at and want to click delete)

It should feel like it’s coming from a friend & they should want to open the next one you send!

That’s how you can be sure to be seen, top of mind and MEMORABLE when it comes to people knowing you sell real estate.

Now here’s the catch..

In order to send people emails, you have to have their email address (obviously)!!

And that means they need to WILLINGLY give it to you.

So how do you do that?

Well, one really great, MODERN method is social media.

That means what you’re doing on social media should have a purpose. Social media should never be a dead end.

Does that mean every post should say: “Want to join my email list?” Definitely not.

But THROUGH your social media strategy, you can invite people to take that next step with you. To get in your inbox. To have that one on one conversation on your virtual couch with glasses of wine.

My other favorite things about email marketing….

Emails can be sent from anywhere. You can actually go to the beach with your family and have an email set up to be sent to your sphere that you wrote in advance.

It’s a great opportunity to share personal recommendations and favorite things (ie: favorite home essentials for different times of the year).

You can send emails in your comfiest ugly clothes while sipping your favorite beverage at home (makeup not required).

You can be seen as the expert in your industry, the one people trust, the real estate agent they WANT to work with – and you won’t be competing with all the noise on social media.

Before I go… here’s your weekly Binge Worthy Sip List:

For your AirPods: Freedom & Flexibility – How to Pave Your Own Way (I was featured on my friend Anna D. Kornick’s podcast, It’s About Time (time management, that is)!

More Email Tip Content HERE

How to Start an Email List Blog

The Book I’m Reading NOW (to provide the best possible member experience)

At Modern Agent Social Club, we give you a monthly email framework – a graphic version, a written version and a training to learn how to best use it. How to make it YOU so it truly feels like that 1-1 conversation.

We ALSO provide you with ALL of the tools to show up consistently on social media and drive people to your email list.

To have all of this (and much more) delivered to you each month, join the waitlist so you’re the first to know next time the doors to the club are open!