Marketing your business on social media isn’t a hobby, yet so many treat it like one. I’ve seen it too many times. Agents showing up whenever they “have time” and acting like it’s something to check off of their to-do list instead of taking a strategic approach.
Social media isn’t something to check off of your to-do list and just “call it good”. It’s a powerful marketing tool that requires strategy and a thoughtful approach to actually work!
So, you want to know the reason why you’re not getting real estate clients from your social media? It’s because you’re treating it like A HOBBY. Here’s what I mean:
You’re copying & pasting generic real estate content – Like those generic “the definition of closing costs…” posts.
You’re overly automating – There’s nothing wrong with scheduling your social media posts ahead of time. But there still needs to be an element of YOU in your content. Signing up for a service that says they’ll handle 100% of your social media for you is a MAJOR red flag!
You’re posting without a purpose – Like I said, using social media in your real estate business requires a strategy! Posting “just to post” is not a good strategy. Anytime you post, you should ask yourself these questions:
-Does this post give value?
-Does this post appeal to my ideal audience?
-Am I giving a call to action?
-If not, is it serving another purpose – like showing the behind the scenes in my life, business, etc.?
You’re focusing more on aesthetics than building relationships and providing value – Having an aesthetically pleasing grid is nice, but I’m sorry to say- isn’t going to get you clients. Your content has to give value!
You’re treating it like a billboard – YOU ARE A HUMAN. Show that to people. Quit only posting “Just sold” “Just listed” banners or random real estate definitions that nobody cares about! Share what’s happening in your day to day life. Take people behind the scenes, tell stories, and provide value. Show them WHO you are and they will remember you!
You’re not engaging with your people or building relationships – Social media is a long term game. You won’t get real estate clients from social media overnight. But It’s about building connections and relationships. It’s a two way street! You need to give your people the engagement you want to get in return.
You’re leaving it all on social media – Posting without a purpose is pointless. Your end goal should be to get them to convert off of social media! Whether it’s something simple like requesting a freebie and joining your email list or (hopefully) becoming your real estate client!
Here’s the truth:
Creating content is marketing.
Writing captions that get people’s attention is marketing.
Creating video content is marketing.
Using social media strategically to stay in front of people is marketing.
Creating a funnel to turn your followers into clients is marketing.
Posting screenshots of interiors, watching Tik Tok all day long and taking courses without implementing them: these are hobbies!
So here’s the big question, are you treating social media for your real estate business like a marketing tool or a hobby?
If your modern marketing needs to get whipped into shape, we’ve got you! Consider Modern Agent Social Club the gym membership for your business that allows you to merge content with creative strategy so you can show up powerfully online month after month with an actual marketing plan to follow.
MASC is a closed door club, meaning we only open the doors to the public 4 times per year. Get on the waitlist so you’re the first to know when the doors are open. Or if you found this at the right time, join while you can!